(M)other ( work in progress)


During her divorce, Cristal lost custody of her child. She lives in a yurt, the family court judge claims that the housing is unsanitary. If she wants to regain joint custody, she must leave her place of residence and move to a “hard” place, a concrete building. Loosely inspired by this legal case, (M)other is an intimate and political phantasmagoria that addresses issues related to social and ecological justice, where dance, music, storytelling and visual art are intertwined. A voice to tell the story, an imaginary folk dance to ward off anger, archaeological excavations, a landscape garden populated by immobile presences are the elements that make up this work. The project is a continuation of Jeanne Brouaye’s previous works, which place the notions of self-construction and alternative architecture at the heart of her approach.

Conception: Jeanne Brouaye
choreography & interpretation: Jeanne Brouaye, Clément Carre, Estelle Delcambre, Harris Gkekas, Lucie Piot
Dramaturgical consultant: Camille Louis
Assistant: Lou Viallon
Stage design: Margaux Hocquart
Sound design and sound system: David Guerra
Lighting design: Guillaume Pons
Costume: Camille Lamy
Production: Le Bureau des Ecritures Contemporaines (Claire Nollez & Romain Courault)

Charleroi Danse-Centre chorégraphique National de Belgique
Boom’Structur (CDCN en préfiguration), Le Pacifique CDCN, L’Atelier de Paris CDCN, mécénat-Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations.

Partners for research:

Boom’Structur, Charleroi Danse ( bourse de recherche), l’Atelier de Paris CDCN via le dispositif danse en territoire, le TAG, la caisse des dépôts et consignations, avec le soutien du conseil départemental de l’Essonne.