In a tri-frontal device, two entities tangled in a pile of wool occupy the center of the stage. Around them a miniature landscape made with kaplas that evokes mass-produced housing. These bodies are not gendered, they embody the conflicts that are anchored inside us and act as relays for our psychic realities. The piece Foghorn, the foghorn, is a dive, a call, as much as a grasp of what can take shape deep inside us when every day there is the challenge of living in oneself and with Others in this world.

conception : Jeanne Brouaye

interprétation : Jeanne Brouaye & Anthony Breurec

sound design : David Guerra & Jeanne Brouaye

Stage design:Jeanne Brouaye & Anthony Breurec

Costume: Marjorie Potiron

ligthing design:Alice Panziera

Boomstructur, Charleroi Danse, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Les Tréteaux de France-CDN

Partners for research

Boom’Structur, La BriqueterieCDCN Val-de-Marne, Le Pacifique – CDCN, Le Vivat – scène conventionnée d’intérêt national art et création, Le Théâtre de Vanves – scène conventionnée d’intérêt national art et création pour la danse et les écritures contemporaines à travers les arts, La Bellone,
Charleroi Danse-Centre national de la danse / Belgique

With the help of the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes for research