à voix et à mains nues

À voix et à mains nues is a plastic, choreographic and musical rite on the reappropriation of knowledge and our imaginations. The initial image is that of a pile. Three women extricate themselves from this shapeless mass and launch into a radical transformation of the space. Wood, textile, straw, neon lights and microphones are the tools at their disposal to give body to what seemed inanimate. Choreographer Jeanne Brouaye continues to make housing her playground. The gestures of use borrowed from self-construction resonate with light, literature and music, and architecture becomes the basis of a reverie on the history and future of our buildings. In order to influence world affairs, it is necessary to reweave the link between our memories, gestures of use and our fragmented presents.

Conception: Jeanne Brouaye
Direction & Interpretation: Jeanne Brouaye, Estelle Delcambre, Lucie Piot
Musical composition: Jeanne Brouaye in collaboration with David Guerra
Creation of sound materials & Sound system: David Guerra
Stage design: Jeanne Brouaye, Alice Panziera & Margaux Hocquard
Lighting creation: Alice Panziera
Costume: Marjorie Potiron
Dramaturgical advisor: Camille Louis
Production & Artistic support for the creation: Boom’Structur – CDCN in prefiguration (Clermont-Ferrand)
Production and distribution: Le Bureau des Écritures Contemporaines (Claire Nollez&Romain Courault)