Jeanne Brouaye is a multidisciplinary artist. Introduced to theater, dance and music since childhood, she studied literature at the Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris, then entered the ENSATT (National School of Arts and Techniques of Theater).
Upon her graduation, she joined the permanent troupe of the TNP in Villeurbanne, while continuing her dance practice. She acquired solid experience on stage, then left the troupe to connect with more transversal approaches.
She trained in the United States in the view point technique, yoga, contact dance and developed a movement practice based on improvisation in connection with space. She performed with the groupenfonction – Arnaud Pirauld, the choreographers Agniezka Ryszckiewicz, Pietro Marullo and the ildi eldi collective. In 2013 she participated in the European program l’École des Maîtres, after which she moved to Brussels. For three years she assisted the choreographer Olivia Grandville and devoted time to musical composition. After experimenting with the concert format in folk-rock music, she became interested in digital and artisanal sound production methods.
Drawing on her multiple experiences, she began long-term research with Boom’Structur – CDCN in prefiguration in Clermont-Ferrand around the notions of revolt and powerlessness with the formal challenge of inducing a direction towards possible worlds. She studies the relationship between our architectures and the lifestyles that result from them and builds in real time plastic and sound forms, kinds of sensitive refuges to inhabit.
In 2020 she created the diptych J’épuiserai le blanc composed of a solo and a duet from used materials. The two pieces will be presented respectively in France and Belgium. In 2021 she designed the project Nos Habitudes/sensitive investigation into the relationship to the spaces we inhabit thanks to the support of the Brigitinnes in Brussels. The project is of variable geometry and continues to be deployed in the form of workshops. In 2022 she created À voix et à mains nues presented at the Atelier de Paris, at the Artdanthé festival and then at Boomstructur. In 2023 she benefited from a year of research via the “dance in territory” program in Essone and a research grant from Charleroi danse where she will lay the foundations for her next creation (M)other, the premiere of which will take place at June Events / Atelier de Paris in June 2025. In parallel with her creative work, Jeanne Brouaye works as a teacher for students in the field of visual arts and dance. Finally, she occasionally collaborates with other artists, notably with the collective.