ce qu’il reste à faire et là où nous en sommes

Wooden slats on either side of the stage, a list of words broadcast and a microphone for the singing voice: these are the tools that Jeanne Brouaye surrounds herself with to give substance to a landscape-house, a sort of shelter where the imagination unfolds. From everyday gestures – assembling, hoisting, tying – she composes a world made of almost nothing, a playground in short, where a memorial ritual and the path to another future are attempted.

Conception & interpretation : Jeanne Brouaye

musical composition: jeanne Brouaye

Sonorisation: David Guerra

Création Lumière: Alice Panziera

Costumes: Marjorie Potiron

Régie plateau: Margaux Hocquart

Régie Générale: Youri El Fassy

Research partners:

Boom’Structur CDCN in prefiguration La Briqueterie – CDCN Val-de-Marne, Le Pacifique – CDCN Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Le Vivat – national interest conventioned scene for art and creation, Le Théâtre de Vanves – national interest conventioned scene for art and creation for dance and contemporary writing through the arts, La Bellone, Charleroi Danse-choreographic center of the Wallonia-Brussels federation

With the help of the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes for research

Co-production Charleroi Danse, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Les Tréteaux de France – CDN